So this where I need your help. I would love you all to leave a comment letting me know if you think facebook really works and is it worth the time you put into it.
For every person that leaves a comment they will go in the draw to win a $25 gift voucher to my shop & Free postage. This is open to anyone from anywhere
The winner could use the gift voucher to pick out something for themselves, start their Christmas shopping or choose something for a loved one.
The winner will be randomly drawn on Sunday the 3rd of October, 2010.
This is a good question.
I was very slow to take to Facebook, so when I did I was one of the last few.
I do use Facebook but not whole heartedly. I don't network with complete strangers.
Facebook has made it easier for me to find long lost cousins, and touch base with the artist/crafters network. But that is the extent of it.
If I have anything I want to share with the world, I do it through my blog.
On a side note I did try Twitter as well, but that got too much. So now I just stick to the blog. Besides I don't think the world needs to hear every brain fart that I make. A little mystery goes a long way.
Facebook "like" page has worked really well for me. I've built relationships with fellow madeit sellers and its been a great support base. Plus it gets customers excited about new items.
It seems to me that you have a fair amount of followers, in which case a facebook page might be useful. I think it's sometimes easier to post a line on facebook saying "hey, added such and such to my shop" rather than having to put up a blog post. Good luck!
I really enjoy the differences between my blog and my facebook fan page. I haven’t been on facebook as long as the blog, but I have more “fans” there and they interact in different ways. It is a good place for my non blogging friends to check out what I am up to as well. I have sold more paintings through my facebook page than anywhere else this year….. But I don’t use it as a pure “look what’s for sale” banner, I really interact with people there and give them a sneak peek into my studio life.
Well I just launched a Facebook page because quite honestly, I really wanted to be accessible anywhere! It's only been a few days and I've already got quite a few followers and they aren't all my friends which is very encouraging.
I figure it's free so as I'm trying to build a following and a good reputation, I may as well use all avenues I can. So yeah I joined Twitter again also. I have already found it good for just sending out a one line update or trying to stimulate conversation.
Anything is worth a go right?
I use facebook only as a means to keep in touch with family and friends far away ... to see photos ect. I won't use it for anything else. Prefer blogs. However it is suprising how there are many people out there who are unfamiliar with blogs. I guess facebook would increase your visibility. x
hey there thanx for popping over to my wee blog!!!! I have a blog for friends and family and a new blog page I've been building up for the last month... it opens the 23 so i shall let you know how i get on!! i love your crochet work very cute indeed x
Facebook would be good to expose your business to people who don't read Blogs. I don't have a business page yet but have noticed that when I do "Like" a page at least a few of my friends will have a look at it and "Like" it as well.
Good luck with it and I suppose the hardest thing is finding that balance between all the things you do.
Tricky one, and good luck to you deciding! Me, personally, I don't like Facebook and I avoid it completely. And it bugs me that there could be photos of me on there that I don't even know about and haven't given permission for them to be shared... But, I know it works for some people. As I said, tricky! Speaking as a customer though I would much rather visit a blog than be directed to Facebook. Hope that helps? x
definitely want in on this & with time differences, looks like i might have even made it! FuN!
i have not yet done facebook & not convinced of its value... worse, i don't think there's security, but that's me :)
be blessed with wisdom in deciding..
ooh - I hope I'm in time - pesky time differences!
Facebook - well, I have it, I use it to keep in touch with friends and rellies, but I don't really like it!
I too am very concerned about the security issue, and lock pretty much everything down, which kinda negates having it!
I think that the like feature is the best thing about it ... but you would deffo get more business - a HUGE amount of people do waste their every waking minute on it. (
As opposed to us, sensible blogaholics, natch)
Thanks all for your wonderful comments. The giveaway will be open for another couple of hours. Enough time for me to really wake up and get the day started.
I only use Facebook for friend networking - but I do know a lot of people like to use it for learning about businesses etc. I do believe it is a great way to generate interest in your products. Hopefully one day I will get to try out that aspect of it :)
I don't sell my stuff, so can't answer from a seller's perspective, but I can see how facebook would bring a different group of people to learn about you! I prefer reading peoples blogs though!
The Giveaway is now closed. I'm about to draw the winner. Thanks all
I have had a page on Facebook for about two years. I've posted something there about twice in those two years. I find there is too much - too many silly jokes that I'm not in on, too much inaneness, too much of young people saying outrageous things. I use it only to check up on what my kids are doing from time to time, and I see what some quilters are doing. I look at it about once a month. Thanks for the chance to win from your lovely goodies.
For me Facebook works well. I love having a page there so I can get in touch with my sweet onlie friends from abroad that I have for years on a daily basis, and it's a great place to promote my Etsy shop. I get awesome feedback on my handcrafts, and sales surely increased thanks to that. It's also very good for some good brain-storms on varied topics. I'm just careful on the privcacy side, only allowing friends to read my posts and photos.
I think it's really worthy, as long as you know how to deal with it.
Thanks for the generous and cool giveaway!
Kisses from Nydia.
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